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Thursday, August 10, 2017

North Greenbush Government FOR SALE

This letter in today's Advertiser ought to wake people up. But seriously, the names of the contributor's Mr. Desso disclosed in this July 2017 filing reads like a who's who of companies, their lawyers and development interests that had or have business applications before the town. Need Planning Board approval, donate to Lou Desso. How about a Zoning Board approval, donate to Lou Desso. Maybe you need an IDA tax giveaway, donate to Lou Desso.

In the end the unitemized contributions(names not disclosed) he listed are not going to add to the dialogue. Suffice to say Desso collects more in contributions than he earns in salary as Supervisor. His allies on the town board depend on his money to run their campaigns and so they sit and dutifully do his bidding.

Only voters can change it.

 Steve McLoughlin Holds Fundraiser in North Greenbush 

Nothing like planting your flag in the heart of a political adversary's back yard. Steve McLoughlin, a GOP candidate for County Executive did just that by holding a fundraiser at Paulo Lombardi's last night. Word is he got a crowd of about 125.

That's sure to warm the the heart of Lou Desso, who is staking everything on McLoughlin's opponent, Chris Meyer. The math here does not look good for Mr. Desso's undeserved job in the county, the one where his pals changed the job description for a Deputy Mental Health Commissioner so Desso could get hired at $81k. They removed those pesky obstacles called QUALIFICATIONS. You know, little things like a college degree and a masters degree.

So with a recent poll taken by Meyers showing things not looking so good in the GOP primary, Mr. Desso must be looking at that flag McLoughlin planted like Trump looking at a picture of Kim Jong-un.
With three candidates in the race for county executive, Desso and his son loose their jobs with two of them. Even Poweball looks better for  win, hey Lou?

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