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Friday, July 21, 2017

Desso's Campaign Contributions Under Scrutiny

It was either stupidity or arrogance. Lou Desso has been busy selling town government to contributors, mostly development interests, for the past two years. This July he held a fundraiser that netted him an outrageous $37,000. That's more than any other town board member in the county and by a wide margin.

His view of public office and power is to get money for every action the town executes for development interests. But the stupidity or arrogance comes from his incredible listing of 22 individual contributions totaling $12,366 without disclosing the required name, address and check number of the donor. Sorry Lou, what you did for all to see was illegal. And you and your treasurer will have to explain your listing to State authorities.

Here's a page which will link you to his July Financial Schedule A.
As you can see, Lou had his Treasurer do something stupid and illegal. By law you must disclose all contributors who give $100.00 or more, complete with date of receipt, check number and address of contributor.

So Lou, who are the 23 secret contributors you neglected to list? Was it a pile of cash and no checks? Whoops, that's illegal to accept (cash of $100.00 or more.)  And don't you love the contribution on 6/26 of $163.54? The .54 cents is just priceless! Hey every penny counts with Lou .

Soon the State will demand the full and complete disclosure of these contributions. Be careful to do it right Lou, because if you attempt to deceive State officials by submitting a falsified report, well you'll find yourself looking for a good attorney along with a new Treasurer. Whoops, we forgot, it's not that easy to replace a spouse. Sure was considerate of you to put your Treasurer in such a messy situation. If you handle town finances the way to handle financial disclosures, North Greenbush is in serious trouble.

One more thing, the Cole Collision Center being built on RT 4 with a $286,000 tax break given by the county IDA at Lou's urging came through with a $1000.00 contribution. It's just a small portion of your tax dollars they received given back to Lou Desso in appreciation of his lobbying efforts.


Anonymous said...

This man needs to be voted out of office. I have never seen such a display of pay for play in our town government. This just reeks of high level corruption. This should be an anybody but Desso year. " Outrageous " The corruption taking place here is clear. Vote Desso out !!!!

Anonymous said...

This Desso Dude needs to go!!!