We had to laugh when we saw this little ditty in yesterday’s Troy Record. Mark Evers, the Supervisor who said it was wrong to dismiss employees simply because of politics and who then led the charge to rehire several employees he voted not to reappoint at his first Organizational Meeting, is looking for replacements for people he doesn’t want on the payroll.
First on his list are new Town Attorneys. Now if Mark was practicing what he was preaching in January 2006, he would have asked these appointees if they wanted to remain before advertising for replacements. Guess it’s different when Mr. Evers is the one who wants people replaced.
So get those resumes together folks, unless that is you already have a position as a town attorney in North Greenbush. What of all those lofty claims that an incoming majority should not have reorganized the town because of a political change of fortune? Well just maybe this disingenuous action is the result of Evers being told by his new party bosses who to hire and fire.
We’d just love to know if “Democratic” Chairman Jeff Spain is arguing for the same attorneys as Republican Chairman Jack Casey! Let’s wait and see how many of these Democratic attorneys are replaced with Republican recommendations from their County Chairman. Also, we can't wait to see Civil Service steps in and tell Evers he can't replace these people without their permission!
Mark Evers seems to have a special relationship with Civil Service. Surely he'll be able to replace these people without a problem. He's been using Civil Service to do his dirty work for quite some time.
We loved the use of your word disingeuous to describe Mark Evers. If there were a dictionary of people's character, that is exactly the descriptor you'd find next to his name.
Unfortunately, Mark Evers isn't the only disingenous person continuing on the North Greenbush Town Board. It seems politicians, even when they are well mannered and appear to be well spoken and kind, talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Civil Service has nothing to do with the appointment of Town Attorneys. Thank God for Mark's relationship with Civil Service, it will definitely prevent the type of bloodbath and revenge firings that went on two years ago.
You are correct. Civil Service should have nothing to do with approving or disapproving the appointment of attorneys. Nor should they have any say in the appointment of an assessor, yet the clerk for the agency insisted in the hallway during a town meeting they had oversight when speaking with a candidate for the position. They should also not have allowed Evers to place 3 people on the payroll without a town board appointment vote. They did however and encouraged the act, then said they town payroll was correct. That's malfeasance.
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