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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Greenbush Candidates Press Releases


The North Greenbush Town Budget submitted by Supervisor Mark Evers appears on its face to be balanced and he boasts that his budget will provide residents a slight tax decrease as he campaigns for reelection. "The entire budget is a fraud." stated Joshua Sabo, "2006 was a fiscal disaster for the Town under the leadership of Evers. At last week's Town Board meeting Evers indicated the report would show a deficit in excess of $330,000.00."

"Last week the Supervisor justified the fact that his budget shows a starting fund balance of zero instead of being in the red by hundreds of thousands of dollars by claiming that he took fund balance surpluses that our water and sewer districts had in 2002-2005 to balance the budget." "In my role as Town Attorney, I contacted the State Comptroller's office to see whether such a move is legal", continued Sabo, "It is absolutely illegal and never happened. The reality is that the Town is faced with a huge deficit for 2008 that must be erased. Given the Supervisor's budget, each taxpayer is faced with approximately a 35% tax increase to bring it into balance."

"The Supervisor's budget is an illegal and improper attempt to bolster his reelection efforts by hiding the fact that providing jobs and favors to his political supporters will result in a huge tax increase to the residents of the Town", concluded Sabo.

Liberty is First Town Clerk Candidate To Declare Opposition to Governor’s Drivers License Plan
Concerned Governor’s License Plan Will Affect Town Clerks
Greenbush Party Candidate for North Greenbush Town Clerk, Jann Liberty stated her opposition to Governor Spitzer’s plan to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens stating it may impact the services provided by local Town Clerks.

Clerks often serve as Registrars of Vital Statistics who issue marriage licenses, birth and death certificates. They also provide voter registration forms to the public and often assist people in filling them out. It is important that those who seek a voter registration, marriage license, birth or death certificate from a local town clerk present valid identification and the drivers license is the preferred and accepted identification. We must insure these documents are never issued for fraudulent purposes be it to vote or any other type of fraud, stated Liberty.

Liberty opposes the Governor’s current plan and strongly suggests he modify the proposal so that the drivers license issued to an illegal alien is distinguished from a legal resident of the State by denoting the document as a Non Citizen Alien Drivers License so that it cannot be confused by Election Officials as proof of identification for voting purposes. She shares many of the concerns expressed by Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola.

While I respect the Governor’s interest in assuring that those behind the wheel of a car have passed a road test, have sufficient English skills to read road signs and are insured as required by law, there must be a middle ground that protects the public against any type of fraud or improper acquisition of certificates or licenses acquired by presenting the drivers license as identification.

She urged her opponent Democrat Kathryn Connolly to join her in opposing the Governor’s plan as currently proposed.

Metroland Buzz
Town officials are abuzz about tomorrow's edition of Metroland which apparently will be a lengthy expose about the state of North Greenbush government and politics. It appears that the Supervisor and Town Clerk have one thing on their minds, "CB". He is the first thought they utter to inquiring reporters, the middle paragraph and the close. We recommend a few sessions on the couch talking with Ms.Lillian. That's thearapy that's sure to erase your mind in ways that modern medicine has yet to explore.

Late Financial Disclosure Reports

Kyran Devery
Today is Day 109 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. They are also 26 days late on a 32 Day Pre General filing due October 5th and 5 days late filing their October 26th 11 Day Pre General Report. The Board of Elections has sent them another letter attempting to get them to file as required by law. They have completely IGNORED those letters and apparently blame others for their actions. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. If he does the town job the way he does his political job of party treasurer, time for a change!

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