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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Spain looses Bylaws battle

If there had been a referee, it would have been decided by a voice vote or show of hands. But since a member of the County Democratic Committee called for a roll call vote, one had to be held. And what a vote it was 133 Yes to 20 No, passing the new Democratic Bylaws that empower the county chair to call a town caucus if a town chair refuses to by 21 days from the date of primary.

The new rule ensures a caucus and the right of Democrats to vote for their candidates in towns like North Greenbush where the Democratic Chair has been co-opted by the Republican Party, endorsing two in their town board slate as well as highway superintendent. The next step is likely to be another court challenge to ensure Democrats in North Greenbush are denied the right to a caucus to endorse candidates for town offices. Spain, who as town chairman, has the right to call one, has declined so far because of fear of losing his GOP slate to Democrats angry with his sell out of his party and purge of Mark Premo, the town’s top vote getter as highway superintendent.

There were the usual round of speeches mostly for and a couple against. The most damaging moment occurred when CB held up the GOP designating petition containing the names of Spain’s candidates declaring Spain’s support for them and his intentions by opposing the bylaws, even suing to overturn them. He sat silently and alone.

In the end, the ayes carried the day and Jeff Spain was soundly rejected once again by his fellow democrats. Spain was alone at a table, no one from his committee came with him. He voted the proxies of his slim majority and even failed to get all of them. The proxies of elected town officials Kyran Devery and Kathryn Connolly were recorded AGAINST the bylaw adoption and we must therefore assume that each agrees with his effort to endorse the GOP slate and deny voters a choice.

Our thanks to committee sources who allowed this information to be prepared for this morning’s edition.

We’ll we guessed right on the GOP support of Jeff Spain’s so called Democratic golf day. Tell us our source in Burden Lake is wrong when she said Majority Leader of the RC Legislature Bob Mirch golfed with the so called Democrats. A purge trial may be in order for disloyalty after all!

Late Financial Disclosure Count:
Today is Day 38 for the North Greenbush Democratic and Conservative Committee violations of State Election Law requiring the filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. Nor under Michael Casale and his Treasurer, J. David Wos.


Anonymous said...

Horray for Democracy! The County Committee did the right thing. Spain did the wrong thing! Let the voters decide who they want in September. What are Spains and Casey's parties afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Evers will be done with a caucus.