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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A new political party

Seems town residents are taking matters into their own hands as a response to the plan hatched by the leaders of the four political parties to deny voters a choice in November. Town residents turned in petitions with more than 500 signatures yesterday at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections to create a new independent political party called the Greenbush Party.

They have endorsed a bipartisan slate for town offices consisting of Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and even a blank unenrolled voter. Their website includes the complete press release and is located at greenbushparty.blogspot.com Their endorsements include Joshua Sabo for Supervisor and Josephine Ashworth for Council, both Democrats. Wes Marshall for Council, a Republican, Andrew Ceresia, Justice, a Democrat, Jannice Liberty for Town Clerk, Conservative, Mark Premo, Highway Superintendent, Conservative and Dennis Bonesteel, Receiver of Taxes, a blank or unenrolled voter.

Remarkably, not one incumbent other that Mark Premo and Andrew Ceresia received the group’s endorsement. Equally interesting is their theme of “insuring choice” for town voters in the November election. This is clearly something the political bosses didn’t count on when they hatched their scheme to deny voter choice and take control of town government by endorsing the same basic slate on all four party lines.

Well, it looks as though Mark Premo has some clout after all. His presence on this ballot line should prove quite a draw for all on the line with him. Now of course voters will have to wait and see how long it will take Jeff Spain’s lawyer to challenge the petitions in court. It seems whomever is funding the lawsuits designed to deny voter choice by challenging the petitions of all the competitors has deep pockets. How much was their attorney paid to file 4 separate lawsuits, one for each political party? We don’t know, and these folks aren’t talking.

Spain's Golf Day
Good luck to Jeff Spain and his GOP golfing partners as they continue to raise and hide money from public disclosure in his first golf day at Burden Lake Country Club today. We bet part of what he's hiding is the embarrassment that comes from golfing with all those GOP candidates and operatives. We hear Bobby Mirch has a wicked slice and that Richard Crist spends his time trying to get on the payrolls of developers and contractors to do their PR work. Fair warning to all, Spain's lawyer is planning to challenge all scorecards in Court to ensure that Jeff wins the trophy and door prize. Also be warned that Jeff may purge all those whose score cards he doesn't agree with. Pray for rain and don't drink the water. Rumor has it that Evers has imported it from Water District 14! Final warning Jeff,keep an eye on Katie because she'll eat two meals and your profits if you don't watch her.

Pipeline seeks Golf Pictures
We promise prime placement for pictures of Jeff Spain golfing with his GOP supporters, Bob Mirch, Rich Crist, Jack Casey, Mark Evers, Lou Desso and Mike Carey.

Late Financial Disclosure Count:
Today is Day 37 for the North Greenbush Democratic and Conservative Committee violations of State Election Law requiring the filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. Nor under Michael Casale and his Treasurer, J. David Wos.


Anonymous said...

Finally, we MAY have a choice. Won't the same people who have come out against everyone else who wants to run for office take these people to court too? It's not just Jeff Spain's lawyer, from what I read he's the lawyer for all the "bad guys".

Anonymous said...

Bad Guys Layer = Joe Bruno
Smell the coffee voters