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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Germano “Democrats” Dunk Donuts and Chase Golf Balls

Just a day after a public spanking by the Rensselaer County Democratic Committee, Town Clerk Katie Connolly and her party Vice Chairman Ed Cassino were having a breakfast meeting at Dunkin’ Donuts with proverbial political chameleon and donut man, F. James Germano.

The so called reformed democrats consistently claimed there was no connection to Germano despite his gathering of petitions signatures on their behalf and attendance at fundraisers. No, no they said , “we’re not connected to Germano”.

Yet there he was yesterday morning at 8:30 AM, plotting and scheming, back to the front window of Dunkin’ Donuts with Connolly on his right and Cassino facing him. The group was obviously planning their next move after Germano with the help of GOP operative Richard Crist, engineered a couple of press releases from their allies in the Conservative and Independence Parties who are trying to dump Highway Superintendent Mark Premo in favor of a Casale backed developer named Mike Carey. What Carey knows about running a highway department could be placed on the tip of one’s little finger. But their plan is to eliminate the Highway Superintendent as an elected office and replace him with a town board appointed flunky as Commissioner of Public Works.

Connolly is already meddling in the highway department attempting to force Mr. Premo to pave roads in a new development which has a road the town has never accepted. This is the developer’s responsibility and the town cannot legally do it, nor should it, until the road is accepted by the town. Connolly is trying to protect Supervisor Mark Evers from angry town residents caught in the middle. Evers responds to no one and Connolly is trying to get a fix at public expense which Premo can not be a part of without proper approvals from the town board. It's amazing to see that before she even reports to work, her priorities are to get with Jimmy and plan their takeover of town government on behalf of the development community which financed their takeover of the Democratic and Conservative Committees.

Lost Ball?

The unreformed, purged and reborn Democrats who support Mark Premo held their golf tournament yesterday. Word spread quickly among the foursomes that an unexpected visitor or two was snooping around the fairway from the road to see who dared to defy his boycott orders.

F. James Germano and Reformed Dem Vice Chair Ed Cassino left their Dunkin’ Donuts behind to drive out to Schodack and look for lost golf balls. At least that’s what we’re sure they were really doing when they were greeted by C.B. Smith. Smith told the golfing ensemble of his close encounter with Boss Jimmy and his driver Ed. The story goes that the wandering Dems were spotted in Cassino’s familiar grey truck parked along the side of the road peering into the foliage looking for “golf balls”.

Smith, seeing an opportunity for some fun, pulled along side the truck with his passenger window down and yelled over asking if they need any help? Nope came the reply from a surprised Cassino, who responded before he realized he was staring at Smith. Then, as Smith tells it, Boss Jimmy leaned forward in a shocked expression of terror, having been caught doing what any grown paranoid adult would do after too much coffee and donuts with Clerk Connolly talking at your breakfast table.

Smith said hello to Jimmy and drove on, only to have Cassino follow close behind. Then came the stop light and Cassino pulled along side Smith’s car so Boss Jimmy could say what was on his mind. We will quote him here with certain omissions based on our policy of good taste. “CB you mutter ……….. ……… sucker. You can suck my guinea ………” Smith quipped back “Jimmy, you don’t sound at all like that three page letter. You look well. See you later.” Jimmy’s letter is posted here on the North Greenbush Pipeline. Jimmy’s real use language will remain censored to protect our readers from the reality of his “polished” linguistic skills.

It’s no wonder he’s been thrown out of more diners including the Alexis Diner where he spat several times on town resident John Schnebly. We doubt Smith will be at the Germano Dems golf day and we wonder if they dare to allow Jimmy to attend. Temper temper!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

F-James, what a classy guy! He complains about people giving the italian community a bad name, then he smears those of his heritage with this disgusting, stereotypical behavior. Why not says a few nice words about the fine work the mafia is doing too, Felix?