It's amazing to see how hi far politicians will go to morph themselves into something they're not. Rensselaer County Purchasing agent Jim Gordon moved to town recently and his boss, the County Executive, is trying to get him elected to the town board by portraying him as the hero of the last storm in town. He has no training in storm water management or emergency services.
Gordon ran for Mayor of Troy last and it was not pretty especially after his then wife called 911 and the tape was on the Times Union website. But this is not about personal stuff, just about what politicians will do to fool voters. This mailer is also egregious because it shows him with Mark Premo, the town Highway Superintendent. Premo is a Democrat and gave no permission to use the picture in a political mailing nor did he endorse anyone.
Regardless, the Dems also have a candidate with baggage with Mary Sabo. Running in a primary for the Dem nomination for Supervisor, she lied to her closest friends on the town committee about her eligibility to be Supervisor while holding a conflicting State job. Those documents remain on this website.
So for town council it's M & M. Myers and Merola who present the best choices for voters. We welcome your comments.
Wow, this is rather disturbing that this has not been brought forward to the voting public. This makes me sick. This makes me doubt the rest of the towns elected officials. Especially the ones with girls/young women. You are clearly ok with passing this off as no big deal. Wise up.
This just in....word on the street has it that there are some really, really insulting and inflammatory cartoons defining Mrs. Sabu and her crew coming "anytime now" via some October surprise last minute mailers and billboards. The likenesses are said to be "spot on" undoubtedly rendered by someone with the hands of a DaVinci.
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