Looks like North Greenbush voters will have a more vigorous three way race for Supervisor than we might have thought. While we have been inundated with ads and door visits from the Democrat and Republican candidates, we've not heard much from the man who won the Working Families Party primary, defeating both the Democrat and Republican, Ron Sinico.
This past week we saw an array of new signs from Sinico urging voters to vote Row D which is the WFP line. Only Democrats appear on this line and Sinico remains a registered Democrat. But now the above mailer has begun to arrive giving the reasoning that voters would cast their ballots for Row D candidates. In a word DEVELOPMENT.
This flier reminds voters that the two major party candidates for Supervisor have been pro developer either by doing nothing to dissuade the soon to be vanquished GOP Supervisor Lou Desso who has collected more than $70,000 in contributions from development interests during his time on the board, or representing them as a paid attorney as in the case of the other candidate's husband.
Are voters really that pissed off about the excessive development in town, the clear cutting of trees, the disregard of laws protecting the environment and all the traffic present and coming to town?
The artist, named Lanni who drew the bulldozer knocking down the trees makes a point. There's a lot less green in Greenbush. But is that enough to make voters leave the two major party candidates for Supervisor and elect someone with no financial ties to developers? A betting man would say no unless he's been drinking the cool-aide. But this sudden emergence of a campaign by the third party candidate may have an impact on the outcome as we will find out on November 5th.
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