A well placed source tells us that renegade Democratic Committeeman and appointed Planning Board member Jeff Spain found himself pulled over Saturday morning by town police while driving his truck on Winter Street.
We don't know if he got a ticket or perhaps used some of that influential charm to avoid one. If he did get a ticket, we're sure his friend, the out of town lawyer he helped appoint to a job as a Deputy Town Attorney will do his best to plea bargain it down to something less than it was.
Desso's Letter Campaign
We're getting quite a kick out of the expression of the obsession Lou Desso has with his Democratic political opponents, Dan Ashley and CB Smith. Lou has been busy orchestrating a campaign of letters suggesting Ashley and Smith are corrupt, stole money and damaged the town while Super Lou has been the best thing to happen to North Greenbush since its founding.
When you get a stooge to sign a letter, you should at least get one that's not related to the folks your praising. This beauty by a woman claiming to be an "independent" who really doesn't have much connection to the players she praises or those she criticizes, left out one important connection. While lavishing Desso and Conservative Committeeman/Building Inspector Mike Miner for his work at the town beach(No Building Inspection related work there by the way!) she forgot to mention Mike is her brother.
She also didn't mention that Desso approves Miner's effort's as the highest paid employee in town hall, to charge the town overtime at $39.00 an hour to clean bathrooms, toilets, sinks etc at the beach instead of having a minimum wage laborer do the job for a whole lot less. But hey, Lou is a "fiscal conservative" and $39.00 an hour to clean a toilet is a steal when you're taking care of political pals whose high paid skills can be better utilized with a toilet brush and a little Vanish! We're waiting for the Civil Service Commission to revise the Building Inspector's Job Description to include work as a janitor and cleaner but we understand to do so they also need to create some related questions for the test they periodically administer for the position of Building Inspector.
Great letter Lou. We're sure the Troy Record staff is having a laugh this morning and their readers will have one too.
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