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Monday, March 9, 2009

Sewer Repairs Billed to Water 14?

The most obvious question arising from this bill paid for by taxpayers of Water District 14 for $4874.51 is why a water district is being charged for a sewer repair. The employees of the Building Department who approved the claim against Water District 14 which clearly involves the repair of a sewer pipe don't provide answers when they submit the paperwork so it might be a prudent question for the town board or the comptroller who ultimately issues the payments, charging the amount to codes in the budget.

But we'd like to know why a repair to a sewer pipe was not charged to the Sewer District rather than a Water District, 14 or otherwise? We can think of a reason to think water when repairing sewers and that rests in the possibility that the damage was caused by water district construction. But would that not cause such a bill to be charged back to the person or company causing the damage instead of the taxpayers of either a water or sewer district?

Not if the employees in town hall look the other way at such a responsibility and we think it's time that the town board, the town comptroller or an outside investigative agency examine all of the bills to repair Water District 14 and all of the bills charged to Sewer Districts for repairs to see if the damage requiring such repairs was caused by a contractor working for the town.

So we'll see if the town board can explain why a repair to sewer pipes is correctly charged to a water district? Absent such explanation, one would have to conclude something stinks in town hall and taxpayers are taking it on the chin, the water bill and the sewer bill.

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