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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

True Blue Blog

Those Google Alerts sure do find things that we might not have otherwise been aware of. Sweeping the Internet for posts that match your search criteria, the alerts send you links that keep you informed about things in the town and county you monitor.

Case in point is a recent alert pointing to a new blog promising to deal with Rensselaer County Politics. The blogger who calls him or her self "True Blue", makes it clear that with the retirement of the blogger who ran the Troy Polloi for many years, there is a void in blogs with a Democratic leaning and perspective. And while they make it clear they cannot take the place of the Polloi, they hope none the less to develop their own voice to counter the Republican machine that runs Rensselaer County Government.

So we in North Greenbush look forward to this new voice in the hope that it is not only a place for intelligent, informative and issue oriented discussion, but that they know how to spell their name correctly.

Welcome aboard True Blue!


Interested Party said...

Not to switch screens on you- but can you advise what the Town Clerk's raise worked out to be with the budget that passed on Thursday- she probably slid under the radar and got her undeserved big fat boost- too bad. So concerned with the Stupidvisor that we forgot about our esteemed Clerk. Thanks.

The North Greenbush Pipeline said...

She got 3% as did town employees under a contract and some others who are not unionized.
The board itself took nothing, zip.