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Friday, July 25, 2008

Albany Amp Posts "Pipeline"

Imagine our surprise to see a post from this blog as a comment on the Albany Amp blog which is managed from deep within the walls of the State Senate Republican staffers.

Now we have no objection to sharing information with Senate watchers especially when it comes to making them aware of North Greenbush politicos rejected from the Democratic Party who are taking Republican jobs in Albany. That is especially true with one Tom Connolly, brother of our own Town Clerk who happily endorsed Republican candidates in the last town election as a Democratic Committee Person.
So now the new Senate Majority Leader is sure to know all about Tom Connolly's past capers and scandals and do what other Senate staffers have already begun to do, ask why he is on the Senate GOP payroll? Apparently these staffers are also asking why Robert Mirch is still on the Senate payroll as a no show staffer now in the office of a State Senator with a vacancy. It's obvious that the full time Public Works Commissioner in Troy is not spending his 40 hours a week at the office of Senator Bruno since the Senator has resigned and is in a new private sector job. (Maybe Joe needs a no show or two at his corporate office???) We have just the pair Senator. We're sure they are available.
Here's the link to the comments on the Albany Amp. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

While they are at it- could they get rid of Rich Crist as well? What a cancerous thing he has become.

Anonymous said...

Suggested topic:

I think Lou Desso and the crew that worked on the playground at the Town Beach deserve a huge thank you from everyone in the community. If you do plan on writing something this weekend I would appreciate it if you would consider this topic. It’s nice to have some good news to talk about in North Greenbush and this is certainly one of them.

Lou & crew, you guys have done a great job for all of our kids! Thank you so much

Pat Nolan

Anonymous said...

You are probably unaware that while all had good intentions, the job was a mess at the playground. It seems they had no idea how to deal with the drainage. For once Katie Connolly was right, but they didn't listen. Less time getting photo's taken and more time finding out how to do it right.

Anonymous said...

I have young children and every elementary school in the state has a playground not to mention all of our backyards. I'd rather have lower taxes than have paid for a playground. Our town really isn't in the fiscal shape for this type of frivilous spending.