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Friday, June 27, 2008

Fire Chief Enters Politics

The DeFreestville Fire Department's web site will not be the same as a new title would have to be added to the title of their chief, Richard French if he were ever to be successful in getting elected as Jeff Spain's hand pick committeeman in Election District 2. The title, party committeeman, and all that comes with it, including politician, is an area most fire department members wisely avoid.

French is said to be circulating a Designating Petition for Jeff Spain's committee crew in ED 2 undoubtedly engaging in the unwise adventure at the desperate request of the town clerk Ms. Connolly, who is doing her best, along with Mr. French, to keep the Comprehensive Plan completed and delivered to the town last year, from being adopted.

In case you had not guessed, Chief French has been serving on the Comprehensive Plan Committee as well and under the previous and current town boards. He is one of only two prior members retained by the new board majority which gutted the experienced players and replaced them with folks who had little or no knowledge of the work and process that went into finishing the plan which Mark Evers and Ernie Kern refused to adopt when offered the opportunity.

Mr. French has much to contribute to the fire services and to the planning process in North Greenbush, but to taint himself with the stain of Jeff Spain's brand of politics is display of judgement which has been poorly conceived. The Comprehensive Plan Committee does not need the kind of tough politics that surround the Democratic Party in North Greenbush at this moment. It needs voices that people feel are not spoken through a prism of Spain's stated agenda of turning RT 4 into another Wolf Road.

It's unfortunate to welcome the DFD Chief to the world of hard ball politics. Batter up Mr. French and welcome to the front lines. A Committeeman's job in the party is admittedly partisan, gathering signatures for the party's nominees to elective office, voting in all party primaries and working for party causes. Involving a fire department in partisan politics is, if you will, bad politics.


Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that this isn't the fist time the DFD has entered into politics. The department and chief at the time came out very strongly and very publicly against the village of Defreestville vote. Say what you want about DANA, but that organization was the first to try to prevent Rt. 4 from turning into another Wolf Road.

Many Defreestville Residents stopped donating the the DFC after their last political involvement. We were shocked how the department was willing to sell out their own village for the promise of a new fire house.

Anonymous said...

i can't understand, the last time we got involved in the fighting in town our donations went way down. we as a dept. can't have our chief go off half cocked and join the spain group. how the hell could any person involved with emergecy services want "rt. 4 to be another wolf rd." we need funding not a two hat chief.........

Anonymous said...

Where is that "new firehouse" we've been hearing about for the past 17 years? The sad thing is that if the department had just asked the people in the DFD we would have gladly provided a new building. When have we ever said no? Our volunteers are great. It is unfortunate that a few "political" people in the firehouse have ruined it for the many. Maybe Mr. Goldman will give what no other developers have come through with!