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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Main Avenue Madness Treated with Media Inquiry

Yesterday’s entry on Mark Evers and Ernie Kern’s claims of massive contamination on Main Avenue caused quite a stir in the media as you can read in the Troy Record here. County Legislator Kevin Harrington, who has endured his own health issues related to cancer, was apparently not amused by the claims made at last week’s board meeting and called their bluff with a letter.

Evers had implied at the meeting that cancer deaths in his own family were related to this mysterious contamination on Main Avenue. Given Harrington’s battle with the disease, he was not amused and demanded facts to back up the claims. Evers tells the Record he knows of no serious contamination and admits he is not an expert in soil contamination. Yet at the Board meeting he spoke as if he was ready to but on a hazmat suit! Conclusion:Evers and Kern have no facts, they made it all up. It was a FALSE ALARM so to speak! Now he'll answer to government officials who will come a calling.
It’s hard to find the words to adequate describe just how irresponsible their actions were last week. People have a right to take such charges affecting their health and safety very seriously. For public officials to make wild unsupported claims about a public health issue of this nature is irresponsible beyond words.

We are waiting for Al Spain and Lou Desso to weigh in on the conduct of Evers and Kern but don’t hold your breath. This pair put out a press release last week stating that the reason they were supporting audits of town financial records during 2006 and 2007 was a result of the State Comptroller’s Audit of Water 14. At the same board meeting that Main Avenue paranoia struck Evers and Kern, Spain stated categorically that the State audit of Water 14 was in no way related to his support for audits of other town financial records. Now’s that’s a case of talking out of both sides of your mouth if ever there was one!

Somehow we don’t think this irresponsible account of Mark and Ernie is over yet. What they did is inexcusable and one has to wonder what else they have made up along the way? To use contrived “facts” as an excuse to turn down a State Grant is the height of irresponsibility. Good thing Evers is not in a position to stop yesterday’s announced grant for 10 million from the State for a new research facility to preserve the Hudson River.
Evers Crayons at Work
We note this letter from Mark Evers in the Record today which is the same letter he placed in the Advertiser last week. Although it is full of self serving mis-statements, please read it here.
You can also read a good rebuttal here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read in today's Record, Mark Evers is blaming all issues on Water District#14 on Ted. I hope he will come back from the cape and defend himself publicly. Maybe then, we will hear the truth.