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Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Pampers or Huggies Boy?

If you didn’t see yesterday’s Times Union Blog in which North Greenbush Democratic Chairman Jeff Spain attempts to excuse his complete refusal to file a single Financial Disclosure Report for the past year, for Spain’s entire tenure as Chairman, let us share with you the laugh.

Spain was taken to task by nemesis and fellow Democratic Committee member CB Smith who, like this publication, has been demanding Spain comply with the law and file these reports as required by State Law. Naturally Spain and his treasurer have refused and offered a myriad of lame excuses as to why.

But yesterday’s explanation is a beauty.” “We are filing late because we are new at this”, Spain told the Times Union. New at this Mr. Spain? You have been Chairman for a year. At your side is a committee person, Doreen Connolly, who was a former County Chair Person. Also propping you up is her son, Tom Connolly, Chair of the Independence Party. You have an attorney, albeit, one with a criminal record, advising you and whose political advice got him appointed as a prosecutor in Town Court, with your support.

My, my, Jeff Spain is new at this so he can ignore State Law and refuse to file a single report for the past year. This justifies keeping the public in the dark as to who contributed to the Democratic Committee and how the money was spent. Democrats would love to know how much in Democratic funds were spent supporting the Republican candidates who ran in the last town election, most of whom Spain personally endorsed.

Perhaps Mr. Smith said it best, telling the Times Union ,"It is time to take the baby diapers off Mr. Spain and put pants on and be a man." Well Mr. Spain, as a newborn in politics, naive in the requirements of State Law and the responsibility of a Chairman to account for party money received and expended, choose your diaper, Pampers or Huggies.

Yes indeed Times Union, "Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit". For the newborn among us, "What goes around, comes around."


Anonymous said...

you guys just don't get it....after all the spain bashing from the cry baby faction spain keeps comming up clean ie: no court has done or said a thing about spain's so called infractions. so on rolls the new power in town and just think no help needed or wanted from c as in cry, b as in baby........

Anonymous said...

Reading bewteen the lines....Boy, is CB in trouble or what, I wonder if Dan was also involved in the $21,326 that is missing.

The North Greenbush Pipeline said...

We don't often allow posts such as the above because they are libelous in nature and because they require a disclaimer such as this.
Factually, no money is or was ever missing from the Democratic Party funds during the tenure of Chairman Ashley. Every penny and every check is accounted for on line at the NY State BOE website as required by law.
Despite this fact, people associated with Jeff Spain have contrived these lies about missing funds without ever offering a shred of evidence, because they cannot, and without regard for facts which they have personal knowledge.
These statements continue to be spread around by people who are fearful of the consequences of their own actions and those who are capable of exposing them.
So today we will take the time to write a disclaimer and publish their fabrications and potentially libelous claims.
Yet these same people offer no concern that for over one year, Jeff Spain and his band of so called reformers, have violated the law by refusing to file a single financial disclosure report. Is money missing? We don't know because Spain and his crew won't account for a single dime in an effort to keep the public from finding out who is financing them.