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Friday, November 2, 2007

Truth Does Conquer All

It is said “politicians are like circus acrobats. They keep their balance by doing the opposite of what they say.” So it’s no surprise that voters must sort through specious claims and unfounded attacks on those who dissent from the view being crafted by politicians seeking power. Truth, therefore, becomes the lost oxymoron. It is difficult to know when spoken or read and to some, it is difficult to spell.

When Metroland began its inquiry into North Greenbush politics and government, the truth could have been favorable to either side in this battle for control of the town’s future. The reporter does not live here, has no stake in the outcome and no agenda. And the truth he found in his lengthy expose about our community exposed the Mark Evers slate as the candidates of developers and contractors who care nothing about our town and its quality of life and care completely about using North Greenbush to make money.

The North Greenbush Pipeline was featured in this article along with another blog that blindly defends Mark Evers and his slate while spewing hate against those they fear. We thank Metroland for the thoughtful and thorough incursion into the political morass that is North Greenbush. We encourage every voter to read this article and the Metroland endorsement of Greenbush Party Supervisor candidate Josh Sabo.

Low Blow Prosecutor and his Grand Jury

The out of control political prosecutor in the Rensselaer County DA’s Office had Democratic Chair Tom Wade scheduled to testify yesterday morning, the same day Wade was waking his mother who passed away earlier this week. Class Mr. Ahern, real class. Because there was no quorum, Wade made the trip for nothing.

"You're Fired"!

He's no Donald Trump, he's Democratic Party Vice Chairman Ed Casino. He has been spending a lot of time helping JR Casale and Lou Desso put up signs and telling some folks at town hall they are "all through January 1st". It's well known Ed is looking for a job from the Evers crew and rumor has it he's planning to be boss of the utilities department. How that sets with Larry Bonesteel is anyone's guess.

But for Ed to be telling anyone they are going to be fired crosses the line. First, he has no authority to speak on such matters and second, he's an embarrassment for saying it as well as being "premature".

Provoking Advertising

We were most impressed with this entry in the Advertiser from the Greenbush Party. It forces one to read it in order to answer its question, “What’s wrong with this picture”. The ad then gets the message across like a crystal bell. Democracy is fragile and subject to assault from within. Defend it or lose it.

Noblesse oblige

Our thanks to a contributor to the Pipeline’s information database and “pipeline”. With the words above we accept your recognition and service to all in the cause of truth, (spelled correctly!)

Greenbush Party Press Release from Josh Sabo

Sabo calls for Full Disclosure of Illegal Fundraiser Contributions

Greenbush Party candidate Josh Sabo called on his opponent to immediately disclose any and all contributions of $100.00 or more made to him and his blank check development running mates Louis Desso and Al Spain as a result of a fund raiser illegally held on October 24th at the Troy Elks Lodge.

Mr. Evers has taken an oath of office to uphold the laws of the State of New York, including Election Laws including timely disclosure. He has ignored his sworn obligation, stated Sabo.

Sabo noted that first Evers solicited the funds without registering his fundraising committee dubbed “Bringing North Greenbush Together” with the State Board of Elections as required by law. It appears those funds were immediately used to purchase large signs placed throughout the town. After receiving stinging criticism for his actions and a complaint filed with State election officials, Evers registered the PAC yesterday but has refused to file a Financial Disclosure listing contributors due October 26th. He even used a town employee, his personal secretary, to act as Treasurer and receiver of the funds, using her home address on his letter of solicitation.

Financial Disclosure Laws protect the public by ensuring they vote with the knowledge of those who are financing the campaigns. Mark Evers and his blank check development slate continue to hide the source of their money which has now manifested itself with large and expensive color road signs that were personally put up by the prime contractor in Water District 14, JR Casale endorsing his hand picked slate. Every time town residents drive by these signs, they should realize they were placed there as a result of unlawful activity. If the Casale slate wins, Sabo expressed his fear that town government may become more responsive to hidden campaign contributors than the public interests.

Greenbush Party candidates have not accepted any funds from developers and contractors, stated Sabo. Our contributions were listed online as required by law and come from private citizens. Sabo also repeated support for an Ethics Law that would prohibit North Greenbush from having business dealings with party officers and the companies which employ them.

Late Financial Disclosure Reports

Kyran Devery
Today is Day 110 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. They are also 28 days late on a 32 Day Pre General filing due October 5th and 7 days late filing their October 26th 11 Day Pre General Report. The Board of Elections has sent them another letter attempting to get them to file as required by law. They have completely IGNORED those letters and apparently blame others for their actions. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. If he does the town job the way he does his political job of party treasurer, time for a change!

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