Documents on file with the State Comptroller reviewed by our numerous fiscal experts show that North Greenbush finished 2006 with a deficit of $324,422.00. This fact has been concealed through the current year by the town supervisor who only managed to file the documents exposing the deficit with the State Comptroller in July of 2007.
Erasing the deficit and dealing with a similar structural deficit in the current 2007 budget are sure to cause conflict as the 2008 budget is adopted by the town board in December. For months town officials have been demanding a report from the Supervisor which would provide a picture of the town’s current finances via its budget for the year. Estimates are that the town will also run a deficit in the 2007 budget of nearly $255,000.00. Yes, the two deficits are one when it comes to erasing and paying for them.
The Supervisor is hoping to charge back special districts for their share of the General Fund expense in utilizing the town offices to deal with the deficit. If his plan is legal, in doubt because it involves charging the special districts for several years back, the fiscal books of which are “closed”, he would raise about $267,000.00 to be applied to the 2006 deficit. This would leave the town nearly $58,000.00 in the red for 2006 and do nothing about 2007’s projected deficit.
As for the no tax increase budget the Supervisor announce before the election, it is clear that the proposal did nothing to deal with the likely 2007 deficit which will be carried over to 2008 unpaid. The town would need to raise property taxes approximately 25% without cutting expenses to erase the projected deficit for 2007 of nearly $255,000.00. Also, the Water District 14 deficit remains undealt with and how to pay for it.
We will keep readers posted as events require.
Greenbush Party Here to Stay
The folks whose initiative created the upstart party in North Greenbush have decided to keep it alive and active as a poitical force. They may even extend its influence to county legislative seats as they affect North Greenbush.
A recent post election meeting of the leaders of party brought about a review of its achievement in the election. As we indicated earlier, more peole voted for Supervisor on ROW F than any major party. Look for the party leadership to continue to raise money, issue policy statements and offer criticism of any action by the new town board that run contrary to the interests of the town.
Maybe Katie should resign, since she is the one who invented the budget this year and last.
There ARE many opportunities in the food service and housekeeping industries!
-Captain Spaulding
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