Yes Senator, we agree, there should be a choice and no thanks to you, there is one in North Greenbush!

A lawsuit has been filed in State Supreme Court on behalf of Town Taxpayers to protect their right to vote on Mark Evers plan to borrow $830,000 to pay Casale Excavating over runs in Water District 14. The plan would make the entire town pay for the over runs and thanks to a petition by town residents demanding a vote on the plan, Evers was not allowed to go forward to get the money for the contractor who runs the Conservative Party which has endorsed Evers and his runningmates Lou Desso, Casale's Conservative Party Vice Chairman and Al Spain.
Rumor has it that a process server is on the look out for the cagy Supervisor with camera crew in tow! We're happy to provide this file photo of Mr. Evers the last time he got served with a lawsuit, still pending, which asks the court to remove him from office for giving Casale Excavating an $83,000 check last December without town board approval.

Subject is 5'10", Male, White Hair, 155 LBS and has been known to dress in less traditional garb.

Annalysis by Robert Price,
N.G. Democrats Club
It should be apparent by now that with the four major party bosses trying to seize control of the town by endorsing the same candidates in an effort to leave voters no choice at the ballot box, our town is at an historic crossroads.
The incumbent Supervisor has aligned himself with the same development community and contractors who tried to keep control of the town in 2005. He and his slate actively oppose the two year effort to produce a community supported Comprehensive Plan which is guided by the input of residents, not developers. If this slate is elected, the Comprehensive Plan will be ignored or worse reversed.
Where else but in our town could a contractor take control of a political party and use that influence to endorse a slate of candidates to run the town. His overspent and mismanaged contract in Water District 14 will shortly be the focus of what is likely to be a highly critical audit by the State Comptroller. Already $740,000 overspent with demands for more, the Supervisor tried to bail him out with a proposed bond for $830,000. The public stopped him with petitions subjecting the bond to a vote and the Supervisor reacted by failing to hold the vote as required by law. There was even a check issued by the Supervisor, personally given to the contractor in town hall for $83,000 without town board approval.
The arrogance of these candidates is unprecedented. On October 24th they held a fundraiser and failed to register with the Board of Elections. The contributors remain unreported for we can only imagine which developers lined up with cash and checks unreported to Election authorities.
Residents of North Greenbush are fortunate to have one chance to stop these blank check development interests. Town residents gathered over 500 signatures to insure choice in this November’s election. They created the Greenbush Party whose candidates appear on Row F on the ballot. These candidates support the Comprehensive Plan and will place the interests of town residents ahead of the developers and contractors trying to seize control of your check book. Also endorsed are Mark Premo and Andrew Ceresia who appear on Row E.
For the record, the N.G.Pipeline Concurs.
Late Financial Disclosure Reports

Kyran Devery
Today is Day 113 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. They are also 31 days late on a 32 Day Pre General filing due October 5th and 10 days late filing their October 26th 11 Day Pre General Report. The Board of Elections has sent them another letter attempting to get them to file as required by law. They have completely IGNORED those letters and apparently blame others for their actions. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. If he does the town job the way he does his political job of party treasurer, time for a change!
1 comment:
"HAIL TO THE SO-CALLED-KING" EVERS is a extremly poor excuse for a power figure. It shows how low in the barrel the republicans,democrats,conservatives had to go to get anyone to subject themselves to the childlike actions of the CONNALLYS GERMANNOS AND CATRONAS ETC.
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