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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Special Saturday Edition Cartoon Says It All!

This insert in the Advertiser sums it up nicely. The 4 party bosses by endorsing Evers and his slate on all four lines are attempting to make your vote meaningless and steal the election. The action subverts democracy itself. Hey what's in that waste basket? Water District 14 booty?

We thought it might be a good time to revisit a letter submitted by Robert Price which imagines a debate between these candidtes of the party bosses and developers. Don't forget to vote in our readers poll to the right.

North Greenbush Democrats Club Chairman Bob Price is calling for debates in this year’s town elections.

We will ask Democrat Supervisor candidate Mark Evers if he will debate Republican Supervisor candidate Mark Evers so the voters can learn where they stand on the issues. In addition, we intend to invite Conservative candidate Mark Evers and Independence Party candidate Mark Evers as well.

Also being invited to attend is Democrat Council candidate Lou Desso and Republican Council candidate Lou Desso. They would be joined on stage by Conservative and Independence Party candidates Lou Desso and Lou Desso.

Price noted the special challenges presented by these debates. “We expect to iron out the difficulties presented identifying the candidates by asking each to wear color coded clothing”, stated Price. Blue for Democrat, Grey for Republican etc”. He noted that even though they are from opposite parties they look and sound exactly alike giving rise to key questions. Why did the party bosses from all four of these parties endorse the same candidates in an effort to eliminate a competitive election in North Greenbush? Are these bosses sitting back waiting to divide the development spoils that can be derived by total control of the town board?

Other questions are likely to include Conservative Evers being asked to explain his ordering an employee to disburse an $82,000 check to a water district contractor who is Chairman of his Conservative Party. Surely Republican Evers is likely to demand answers and Democrat Evers is expected to join the Republican in seeking an explanation for the $740,000 in overpayments to this contractor without change orders.

Price stated his hope that the non partisan League of Women Voters would moderate the debate. They are familiar with the candidates since the 2005 election when Conservative Evers debated an empty chair when his then Republican opponents Bob Ashe and Lou Desso refused to attend. Now that Desso is his own opponent, we expect no problem having him debate himself and ask himself how his blank check development views and attempted annexation of our land to Rensselaer, forcing our children to attend Rensselaer City Schools, has changed.

Price expressed relief that more than 500 town residents signed a petition to create competition in this election and spoil the party bosses plan for a coronation instead of a competitive election. The Greenbush Party has endorsed a slate of opponents for each of the candidates. They too will be invited to attend and will not be burdened by the need for distinguishing “color coded” clothing.

Robert Price

The Troy Polli Features ROW F and North Greenbush


Anonymous said...

That is about the funniest cartoon I have seen in a long time. Evers is probably going to win so the town will still be laughing stock of the area. You should have the artist do one with katie as a pro wrestler. Is it just me or dose she look more and more like Rick Flare?? What a town we have. Well there is always next election.

Anonymous said...

"The only thing evil needs to succeed is for good men (and women) to do nothing."
- Author unknown

Get out and Vote Row F. We only get the government we deserve.

The North Greenbush Pipeline said...

Author is Edmund Burke.