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Monday, August 27, 2007

The “Wolf Road Slate”

As we said Friday, if ever there was a case for foot and mouth disease, North Greenbush Reform Dems Chair Jeff Spain has an incurable case. We were referring to Spain’s comments in Metroland Magazine from August 22nd in which he stated “I would love to see Route 4 become another Wolf Road.” If you missed it, here is the link to the on line article. Into the Fray

It didn’t take long for other officials to react and one was kind enough to provide his response to the North Greenbush Pipeline. Rensselaer County Legislator Kevin Harrington, a Democrat representing North Greenbush, called Spain’s comments “irresponsible and an affront to the voters of North Greenbush who soundly rejected such uncontrolled development in the last town election.” His entire press release is pictured above.

With Spain endorsing the creation of another Wolf Road, its traffic tie ups, bumper to bumper mania and basic congestion for RT 4, the only question which remains is whether his slate of endorsed candidates supports his wishes for North Greenbush. Not one of them has uttered a single word of rejection.

For the record, Spain’s “Wolf Road Slate” includes Mark Evers, Lou Desso, Al Spain, Kyran Devery, Kathryn Connolly, and Mike Carey, the Highway Superintendent candidate. We’d love to hear from you folks so feel free to tell us where you stand.

Late Financial Disclosure Count:

Kyran Devery
Today is Day 43 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery.


Anonymous said...

That is just what we residents in North Grenbush need - a Wolf Road type atmosphere. How great would that be?
Whats' wrong with those anti-development people?
They don't they want:
more tax base;
more noise;
more accidents;
more gridlock;
more uncontrolled growth?
What is wrong with those people?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Spain is in way over his head on this one. he was either convinced by someone that he's smart, or he really thinks he is. Ha, ha, ha!