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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Congrats to Lou, Al, Joe and Kelly for Putting Your Town on the Front Page

Well guys we have to congratulate you for putting North Greenbush's banana republic government on the front page of the Times Union with your childish ill conceived actions suppressing the First Amendment right to speak at a town a meeting by ignoring your own Board Rules.

It's not often a community gets itself on the front page of a regional newspaper and it's too bad it wasn't something that put the town in a good light. In the process of trying to protect Lou Desso from his conduct stealing money, $6270.00 from Moscatiello's restaurant, you've all managed to let Lou taint each of you.

That First Amendment is a cornerstone of a free speech and thankfully, newspapers fight vigorously to defend it. When the constitution states that Congress shall pass no law abridging freedom of speech, that applies to every government in the country, state or local. And while we realize you didn't pass a law that allows you to stop free speech at board meetings, you certainly acted as a group to deny this basic right and you continue in the Times Union to insist that your rules stating residents may speak on "any topic" means only "government business" and that means you're in for a fight next month at the next board meeting.

Incidentally Lou, you think the stuff you're doing helps in the job search? Think Senator Marchone will find a spot for you in the Senate or maybe a Democrat you're begging may get you a job in the State? Good luck with that.

Editor's note: Check out the comments and give a listen to the third link to talk radio on the mess Desso created and his total lack of common sense. Photo submitted by a reader.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Times Union write an editorial on this in Sunday's paper. The majority members act like clowns doing things like this and Lou Desso has again proven himself a simple thug.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment. And Lou Desso should pay his restaurant bill. The FEDS should be looking into all his contributions from the development community.He promised him they's get approvals if they donated to him and others like Chris Meyers.
Check out the car wash application and the contributions attached.

Anonymous said...

Listen to what non residents are saying

Anonymous said...

Here is another excerpt posted on social media several months back by a weekly popular local radio host as a NON -Resident looking in at
“ only in North Greenbush does this happen “ . Desso should end the drama and embarrassment he is putting his wife , children , Town board members thru do the noble thing and resign before anymore humiliation you will face in the coming months .

Excerpt #1 - Town of North Greenbush Supervisor Lou Desso is one of the biggest POS in The Tri City Region .
He has mastered the art of hypocrisy , pay for play & excusing his past by playing the role of addict . The reality of Lou Desso is that he employs the same techniques learned from his drug fueled past in politics . Want to do business in the Town of North Greenbush ???? You had better be a FRIEND OF LOU !

Excerpt #2 - Your legacy is based on bad deals - whether it was a drug dealer , developer or Restaurant Owner you screwed them all .

Anonymous said...

Please stop these vicious assaults on Mr. Desso- this is not acceptable!

The North Greenbush Pipeline said...

Mr. Desso has brought the criticism upon himself, by his actions. He is not the victim here as you seem to think. The victim is Mr. Moscatiello who has been left with a $6,570 unpaid bill because Lou Desso seems to think he's entitled to keep the mans money for his own use. It's Mr. Desso's conduct that you should find unacceptable and it's interesting to find you think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Desso has done so much for others always putting himself last- how dare you cast these aspersions! The whole restaurant scandal is obviously Moskowitzatello not happy about not getting land he thought entitled to him and deciding to smear Mr. Desso! I must insist you stop this immediately if not sooner!!!

The North Greenbush Pipeline said...

First my misinformed friend, learn how to spell, it's Moscatiello not the polish name you couldn't spell either. Secondly you think Desso was somehow entitled not to pay his fundraiser bill of over $6000 because a land deal of some kind fell through. So the money was a form of bribery where a deal fell through but Desso keeps the bribe money? You should be Desso's lawyer!

Anonymous said...

Desso stated that Mike Moscatiello “lied”... evidence produced at trial proved otherwise. When faced with the facts or criticism Desso plays recovering former addict card to gain sympathy then try’s further to enhance favor with town residents criticism by saying on social media “My recovery requires me to “give back to life”. It’s gotten old please resign to prevent further negative press about the town you love .