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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Desso's Job funding eliminated,Money goes to Richard Crist

Well we knew that Lou Desso's undeserved $90,000 a year job would be on the chopping block once Chris Meyer was out of the picture for executive. Both of the remaining candidates would have eliminated the waste, one because of payback for over the top support for Meyer in the GOP primary and the other because it was simply a waste of money on a political hack.

But last night the county legislature took an action that is truly mind boggling by paying its fired political appointee Richard Crist $60,000 in a settlement for a lawsuit he brought for wrongful firing. Clearly, there was no merit to the suit as Crist was a political appointee with no job protection. Crist was supporting Steve McLaughlin for county executive and the legislative majority was for Chris Meyer. Crist was no longer on the same page with his political employers so they removed him from his job. That's politics.

But to give him $60,000 in a settlement for firing him, well you'd have to say it's the tail wagging the dog. All the so called advice given to the Republican majority was coming from folks who feared their jobs once Crist became the power behind the new county executive in January. He is slated to be appointed to a new job basically running things in the county by the new county executive.

Hence there was no one willing to stop the big cash payout to Crist. Hey not even the Democrats on the legislature. Figure that one out.

So we have both justice and injustice last night in county government. Lou Desso is finally being removed from a political payback job he was never qualified for and his nemesis, the man he rallied against during the bitter campaign, Richard Crist winds up with two thirds of Desso's salary in a lump sum pay out. Desso pushed for Crist to be fired now Crist gets his money back and a trophy to boot, Lou Desso's job.

Given the settlement for Crist and the precedent it sets for fired political appointees, maybe Desso should file a claim against the county? In the mean time, there always the unemployment office.

You can read more here in today's Times Union.

The Pay Raise

 Looks like all his pressure on the town board has failed to get him the full time salary he wants to offset the loss of his county job. Three times he asked the board in executive session to increase his salary and each time they said no. Desso lit into Al Spain telling him he did nothing as Supervisor.
Then Desso asked for health insurance as he is loosing that big benefit as well once he's off the county payroll. Again the board refused.

Seems like the Grinch stole Christmas here for Lou Desso. But the real PR problem will come in January when the Rensselaer Court rules on his refusal to pay a $7000 bill to Moscatiello's Restaurant. That opens a real pandora's box of election law violations and practices that could attract the attention of authorities who can determine how he gets all those contributions no one else seems able to.

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