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Friday, August 30, 2013

The Missing Link

It's that time of year again as lawn signs start appearing all over town. Yes, Lou Desso has been pushing them on folks who are afraid to say no and even on the homes of long time Democrats who have always displayed their party's candidates.

But what many have noticed is that Desso has not placed a single sign for his supposed town board ally,  Joe Bott. The obvious absence begs a question since Bott is running for re-election and likely has signs from his last run ready to go. Even if he were to be running with the new busy designs, not a single sign was placed by Desso who has been seen all over town putting them up.

Maybe that party committee meeting where he went against Desso's choice for council did him with Lou and that might be the best thing that could have happened to Joe in the end. And in case you were wondering, "Democrat" Al Spain again displays only GOP signage, at this point, their county surrogate candidate rather than town resident and fellow Democrat Josh Sabo who is the current Town Justice.

Help us turn the lights on in town hall

The Democratic candidates have people asking the right question. Their sign displays a light bulb and begs voters to help them "turn the lights back on in town hall". Surely a reference to Desso and frineds refusal to allow town meetings back on television and their refusal to answer questions they don't like at board meetings.Time will tell.

Have a safe Labor Day weekend!

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