Wouldn't you know that Lou Desso would be the candidate who failed to file his latest Campaign Finance Report on time, thereby violating State Election Law. Desso has thus far neglected to file his 32 day Pre General Financial Report on line as required by the State Law.
His committee, can be referenced here. But Mr. Desso's report has yet to be posted on line, keeping the public in the dark about his contributions and expenditures. Now that's no way for a responsible, law abiding, church going candidate to behave.
We'll keep you posted on this one but for now, Mr. Desso's Oct 2nd filing is 12 days late. Why not let Mr. Desso know you expect him to obey the law. Send him an email at loudesso@hotmail.com
Comprehensive Plan Hearing Oct 2nd.

We have posted much of the Town Board hearing held on the CPC from October 2, 2009 for you to listen to. You can listen by clicking the Pipeline Radio icon above and a player will appear.
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