It should come as no surprise that Mark Evers tried to mislead the Troy Record by stating that he had taken care of the town's 2009 deficit of $64,000 when he presented his phony no tax increase budget for 2010.
Yep! He sure enough flat out lied to them. The Town Comptroller's reports have consistently stated the projected deficit for 2009 at $64,000. Evers simply ignored that but accounted for the $85,000 deficit he mismanaged into 2009 which was reported to the State Comptroller for fiscal 2008.
You might remember that that is the year he tried to grab a hefty $42,000 pay increase for himself while Town Clerk Connolly tried to grab big raise for her clerk's salary, 9% and 42% as Registrar. Hey, its just a deficit so why not grab some extra bucks? Incidentally, Clerk Connolly has been forced to the doors by the Liberty campaign. She was walking with REPUBLICANS Fiacco and Water District 14 Contractor candidates Kelly Hoffman and Joe Bott. Got to keep those checks rolling in for the Water 14 contract that just keeps spending and spending, right?
The above cartoon appears in today's Sand Lake Advertiser. It says it all with regard to the Evers deception on town finances. Lou Desso and Al Spain have been pretty quiet about speaking out since the fake budget was released last week so we can't wait to see their outrage.
They're more likely to be outraged that Evers is about to order campaign signs removed from town property along the roads. Of course as one of 5 board members, he lacks the authority to do that and Lou Desso, more than anyone will feel the effects. Mark Evers will feel no effect whatever because he has not one sign. The GOP has essentially put him in a lifeboat to drift at sea.
Maybe that will enrage Mr. Desso enough to slam Evers for his budget bunk which will require a 5.5% tax hike just to erase the deficit he's hiding in the document. Good thing Lou is a fiscal conservative, hey?
Anyway, here's a link to the Troy Record's story today. We thought the cartoon was a scream. What did you think?
The Great Debate is Tonight
We'll bring you the town debate sponsored by the Lake Association in tomorrow's edition. It should be fun. The show starts at 7PM at the Excelsior House on Peck Road.
Public Hearing on Comp. Plan 10/2/09 Audio

You can listen by clicking our Pipeline Radio above.
Great political cartoon! I hope voters also realize that Mike Miner isn't change...he's been part of the Evers wheel and the dysfunctional N.G. town government for too long.
Speaking of lies, the Republican campaign material I'm receiving in the mail and at the door makes me ill. Do they really expect me to belive that the Democrats have been dividing the town? Anyone voting against the Evers Administration and past Tazbir administration has been trying to rid N.G. of corruption and dysfunction. Fiacco actually left material at my door that implied he wasn't a big developer supporter.
Obviously I'm if I'm receiving this material, I'm not a Democrat. The Republicans need to realize those on their enrollment think for themselves.
I cannot wait to see Katie Connolly at the debate. I have a few things I would like to ask her, as well. Will she do the NORM- Faint, be on crutches, carry a cane or perhaps, come in on a stretcher- ALWAYS the drama Queen. NEVER any answers.BE PREPARED KATIE>>>>>>>>>
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