This was Mark Evers idea of a debate in 2007 when he tried to steal the election in a cross endorsement deal that nearly left him unopposed.
Now, North Greenbush Democratic candidates for the town board have issued a challenge to their opponents to debate. The press release which was posted on the party website, asks challengers to debate using the non partisan League of Women Voters as moderators. You can read it here.
The League does an exceptional job of creating a fair structure for debates and also screens questions from being one sided. Whether the Republicans are willing to accept the challenge is anyone's guess. There would likely be many questions requiring dodging and weaving from the budget process to the inept manner in which the new Comprehensive Plan Committee was run.
GOP-Conservative Board Candidate Kelly Hoffman is sure to want to avoid answering any questions on the Comprehensive Plan Committee's process for delivering its revisions to the completed plan of 2006. Defending her vote to accept a $40,000 no bid contract to do it over and the fact that this needless expenditure only added to the town's estimated $149,000 two year deficit, is sure to cause some fancy dancing.
In case you were wondering, Mark Evers actually wanted debates in 2005. We found his press release and you can read it it for yourself. That's when he ran with Democratic backing and had no record to defend. Any bets he's accepting a challenge this time?
Contact: Mark Evers 283-4799/892-4924
Evers calls for public debate
The Democratic candidate for North Greenbush Town Supervisor is calling on his opponent to participate in a public debate to discuss the many issues which comprise this most important election in North Greenbush in two decades.
This year there are many important issues confronting our town and its citizens, stated Mark Evers, candidate for Supervisor. The differences in the styles and goals of the two candidates for Town Supervisor are very apparent. From development to ethics, controversy has followed the current Republicans administration. The people of this town are at a significant crossroads which will have a clear impact of the kind of community we will become based on the policies we choose as expressed by the candidates for Town Supervisor.
Evers stated that every candidate must take this test before the voting public, to demonstrate his knowledge of the issues and vision for the future. Our quality of life is literally at stake in this election with the two candidates for Town Supervisor so very different both in their visions and style of governing.
“I stand ready to take this test before the residents of North Greenbush”, stated Evers. I would call upon the non-partisan League of Woman Voters to both arrange and moderate this event, and in a location that accommodates as many people as possible while permitting as many questions as they reasonably determine appropriate.
I began this campaign with an act of transparency by voluntarily filing a Financial Disclosure Form with the Town Clerk, stated Evers. “I will continue to conduct this campaign with that same transparency by answering questions raised by those whose support I seek”.
So we will await the Republican/Conservative response to the challenge and we'll let you know when we know.
1 comment:
Evers and transparency....that's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.
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