The incoming town board majority will discover sooner or later, the importance of putting in place a town attorney who they can count on as an ally when things get rough. The question the majority will likely realize is that names will surface that may tilt loyalties to the factions within the new majority and to those demanding tribute for political endorsements.
GOP County Chairman Jack Casey will no doubt have a few suggestions, none of which will be loyal to any of the incoming board members. Jack has a few folks in the district attorney’s office who will be looking for work next year and no doubt calls have or will be made to put these names in line for positions in North Greenbush.
Mark Evers and his sidekick Ernie Kern felt the lack of an ally as town attorney as they fought his legal advice and his advocacy for the majority of the board. They no doubt want an attorney loyal to them and their agenda, whatever that may be. Trouble is, such an appointment is the last thing that incoming board members Desso and Spain can afford as they would find themselves in the very hot seat Evers and Kern were in, forced to do battle with a town attorney who often was at odds with their actions and agenda from civil service, votes for State audits, water district payments and the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
It will be interesting to see which group gets the three votes needed to appoint a new town attorney and whether Jack Casey, the Republican Chair or Jeff Spain, the Democratic Chair win the appointment tug of war or better yet whether Desso sides with Evers or Al Spain in the appointment of town attorneys. It would be funny if either side had to broker a deal with odd man out Alan Michaels for a third vote and funnier yet to see if Democrat Al Spain votes to appoint a GOP endorsed town attorney sent by GOP Chairman Jack Casey. That will be fun for Al and brother Jeff to explain to Democratic voters who will soon be asked why they should continue to support a party chairman who sold out his party nominations to the County Republicans. All these faction swill soon find out what Evers is all about and that he tells people what they want to hear to get elected after which he will do anything to have his way. All will soon be scratching their heads wondering why they endorsed him in the firts place.
Your move Mr. Spain, the County GOP Chairman will be trying to take your knights and the patronage contributions they give to the war chest which you have failed as of yet to report to the Board of Elections after a year of holding the Committee bank account.
Clashes in Town Clerk Paradise
Apparently the 4 board members who will attempt to agree on jobs in January have met and did so without inviting the town clerk to attend. This did not set well with the clerk who is angry with her surrogates for the wise political snub.
The Town Clerk is also bruising relationships with her deputy after calling in one day do to a family emergency forcing the boss to come to work. The story goes that the boss was none to happy and told another employee she didn’t believe there was an emergency. That employee then told the deputy who confronted the boss rightly protesting her veracity in needing the time off.
Plain and simple: "Somebody isn't getting enough bran!"
-Captain Calvin Spauldind F.A.C.S
Doesn't matter which side gets their attorney choice. I'm sure they'll find someone crooked. Michaels would be smart to abstain on this vote. He'll be faced with many situations on this board where there will be a no win situation or vote. The next two years will be a great opportunity for him to start speaking up and letting his position be known. Assuming he has an upstanding one and still cares about his town. You can't win a vote as the lone ranger but you can win respect and integrity.
Katie better be careful. That new deputy in her office is terrific...under what must be horrible circumstances. She could probably get a good job anywhere. If Katie treats her the way she does most employees, that woman will walk out!
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