They waited a day after the election to file the papers. Now the developer for the Van Rensselaer Square Mall knows he's got a "friendly" board majority in January so he went to court to try and stop the town board from approving the Comprehensive Plan.
Looks like the Town Clerk was in cahoots as well since the attorney used the July 12, 2007 minutes incorrectly have attorney Josh Sabo responding YES to a question from Evers as to being a member of DANA. Sabo is not and has not been a member of DANA, said so at that meeting yet the Town Clerk managed to put down yes to the response.
The developer's attorney recently attended a Comprehensive Plan Meeting and complained that the business community and his client have not been properly notified of this committee's work. He was wrong but noneltheless, the town spent a bunch of money remailing letters to all the business interests in NG inviting them to attend another business community meeting schedule because of his complaint and no one came! Not even the attorney or his complaining client! Instead they go to court to impose their desire to develop the town over the input received from all residents who live here, that's YOU!
The attorney is trying to use DANA membership by Councilman Fennelly to prevent him from voting to approve the CP on December 13th. He is also using Clerk Connolly's incorrect minutes to try and prevent Sabo from doing legal work for the town in connection with the CP.
Why are they so desperate to stop the CP? The attorney gave the answer perhaps unwittingly at a breakout meeting held in the annex of the CP Committee last month. He told those at his breakout table that his client opposes the CP because he recommends the construction of the I 90 Connector which would allievate traffic congestion on RT 4 and send it to the connector which also reaches and develops the RPI TECH Park.
Heaven forbid, that would take traffic away from the mall his client is building and which the Planning Board should not have approved back in January 2006 with Mandel Clemente and her fellow Town Records Moving Team partner Jim Reid in attendance.
Now that the election is tucked away and we have no idea how much this or other developers contributed to Evers and his buddies because they wont file the required reports, they are trying to stop the community from controlling the development and Evers and his blank check crew of Desso, Spain and Kern are only to happy to accommodate!
Now you know who was telling the truth and what was really at stake Tuesday November 6th.
We recommend you come to the meeting tonight at 6 PM and give them a piece of your mind. That's a Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan. Then stick around for the Board Meeting at 7PM and give them some more!

A short Pipeline entry today with a couple of election updates.
Amazing Schodack Write In Race
An amazing write in vote for Schodack Supervisor has Ray Lemka just 70 votes behind the incumbent Supervisor whose name was on the machine on three lines. With 160 absentees yet to be counted there is a good chance Lemka can win, especially since his team made a concerted effort to reach absentee voters. Check out more on this campaign at voiceofschodack.com.
Democrat Rich McNally rallies in the Rensselaer County District Attorney’s race.
Election night he went to bed a looser, behind by a couple of hundred votes. Yesterday, errors were found which have hin up to 302 votes in the lead over Republican Greg Cholakis. One major error in Schodack had an inspector write in 331 for Cholakis rather than 31. That alone wiped out the Cholakis lead reported election night. Other errors in Grafton and a machine that was not zeroed out, instead showing 100 in a Cholakis column, give McNally the edge, for now. The re-canvass process takes time and its clearly anyone’s race.
A great campaign was witnessed here and each of these guys are quality people. North Greenbush machines will be examined by election officials today at 8AM at Gardner Dickinson School. The public is allowed to witness the work.
Evers "Mandate"?
Unofficial results give Mark Evers 2150 votes with 4 major party lines, Democrat, GOP, Conservative and Independence. In 2005 when he ran with just 3 lines, Democrat, Independence and WF against Bob Ashe,he garnered 2767 verses Ashe's 1507.
After two years to prove himself, Evers garnered 617 FEWER votes with 4 major lines instead iof 3! Without getting all 4 major lines, Evers would not have been able to win. The Democratic line alone tallied more than 1000 votes which if gone to Sabo would have made Sabo the easy winner. Nice work Mark!
Slave Labor
It was good to see the political signs coming down the day after election. The Evers slate used the slave labor team of Lou Cotrona, Ed Casino and of course, the guy they deny any connection to, Jim Germano. Good job boys!
1 comment:
This voter would like to say a huge thank you to all candidates, volunteers and voters of Row F.
If only our town could take some lessons from Schodack and residents would get involved in their process of Democracy. Unfortunately it seems voter apathy has taken over and too many residents here have resigned themselves to a dysfunctional, corrupt government. A win when you hold all the major party lines is nothing to be proud of. Did North Greenbush really just elect a convicted felon to the town board?
The power truly is in the people. North Greenbush should start going to meetings and see for themselves. Then take a look at Schodack and see that your vote truly does make a difference.
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