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Monday, October 22, 2007

Evers Battles Comprehensive Plan-Member Speaks Out

This exclusive picture of Supervisor Mark Evers preparing for battle with the Comprehesive Plan Committee was captured by our N.G Pipeline Earth camera at an undisclosed development site here in North Greenbush.

Maureen Flanigan of the town’s Comprehensive Plan Committee authored a letter in the October 19th Advertiser which sums up Mark Ever’s sorry record of battling to destroy two years worth of work from the volunteers and professional planners developing a Comprehensive Plan for growth and development. It appears on page 6. If you have a minute read the article and the ad detailing Evers record on Page 4.

Flanigan who was appointed by the Town Board unanimously, and not unilaterally by the Supervisor, appears to have had enough of Evers efforts to stonewall and derail the community inputted plan for development and put the developers he now represents in charge of the town’s future.

She chronicles Evers shenanigans since becoming Supervisor on a platform pledging support for a Comprehensive Plan for the town beginning with his initial refusal to sign a contract approved by the Town Board for weeks until the Town Board had enough and called a Special Meeting to embarrass Evers and force his signature.

Then she recalls his unilateral and illegal “appointment of 11 new members to the committee who would stack any vote against the legally appointed membership. These so called members have been rarely seen at meetings and have not been permitted to vote or recorded as members in the Committee’s official minutes. One of Evers appointments is the contractor in Water District 14. Others include the sister of the Democratic Chairman, two of his Vice Chairmen and members of the Conservative Committee.

Evers also mislead attorneys for the developer of the controversial 4 and 43 intersection into believing the Committee was holding a Public Hearing to adopt a Comprehensive Plan when in fact it was only one in a series of Public Information meetings like the one being held Tuesday October 23rd at town hall on land use.

The latest Evers sabotage effort is to refuse to pay the bills of the professional planner all of which are being reimbursed by the Rensselaer County IDA to help the town produce a Comprehensive Plan. He is holding the bills submitted hoping the planning firm will quit and stating that he won’t pay until the county pays first.He is in effect, trying to tear up the contract with the firm by refusing to pay them. The process requires the town to submit the bills to the county after payment and the then the county reimburses the town 100%. Evers knows this and is apparently trying to stop the process altogether.

Finally, she notes his absurd and critical line of questioning of the professional consultant at the last town board meeting in which a brief update presentation was made. Had Evers bothered to be a part of the process and meetings over the past two years, he would have known that the Committee met with all the various community stakeholders, from Emergency Services to Schools, Libraries and Businesses.

In conclusion, Flanigan notes that Evers and his slate have been cross endorsed by the 4 major political parties which are clearly the choice of the Developers who ran town hall in the preceding administration. Evers and his slate have avoided any meaningful discussion of issues, their positions on critical issues confronting the town and are instead relying on their effort to rig the election denying voter choice by having his slate on every ballot line.

Flanigan concludes with the sentence, “Please show them we are not sheep. Please show them we want our town back.” She is correct and for that reason every resident who wants to keep development polices in the hands of the citizens rather than the stooges of the developers, should VOTE Row F, the Greenbush Party. They are the only alternative to the Evers, Desso, Spain blank check development slate. The Greenbush Party website is located here.

New Web site

Our battle is not unlike the one in Schodack. Read their new web site at voiceofschodack.com

Late Financial Disclosure Reports Milestone
Day 100

Kyran Devery
Let's hear it for Kyran. Today is Day 100 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. They are also 17 days late on a 32 Day Pre General filing due October 5th.Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery.

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