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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assessing the Assessor

Seems the Town Board is having difficulty assessing the candidates who have submitted resumes from an ad published in the newspaper. The reason is that the Supervisor is refusing to share the resumes with the rest of the town board in an apparent effort to run out the clock on the this board’s tenure in office and keep the appointment in the hands of Mark Evers and his allies as a patronage plum.

The current occupant, John Harkin, is at best a temporary place holder while a permanent replacement is recruited. Harkin is known for his involvement in politics having served as party notary in nearly every election lawsuit in the last primary cycle. He was highly visible at the Democratic caucus last September and more importantly is viewed as the lap dog of F. James Germano, having twice run unsuccessfully for town council. The last thing this or any municipality needs is an assessor so tied to politics that he or she is viewed as a tool of any political party.

Apparently efforts to review the resumes sent to the Supervisor’s Office by applicants has failed to cause Mark Evers to share the information with town board members he views as adversaries. Hence there may be an effort at the next board meeting to compel Evers to do his job and turn over copies of the resumes so that the Board can make a permanent appointment to this important 7 year position. It should be interesting to see if Evers out maneuvers the Board with the Assessor’s appointment as he did with three unilateral appointments who still hold their jobs without a required vote by the town board as the lawful appointing authority.

Rumors are that Harkin is only holding the slot for the political team he represents because Evers is not attempting to have him permanently appointed either. Their plan is to put Harkin in the Comptroller’s Office as a part time Comptroller in January which would allow him to work half as many hours for the $25,500 he can make and still collect a full State pension. Harkin cannot get a waiver which would allow him to collect the full pension while earning a full time salary. As it stands he is required to work full time but can only get $25,500 annually from the town before the excess comes out of his pension check dollar for dollar.

Late Financial Disclosure Reports
Day 102

Kyran Devery
Today is Day 102 for the North Greenbush Democratic Committee violation of State Election Law requiring the on line filing of a Financial Disclosure Report due July 15, 2007. They are also 19 days late on a 32 Day Pre General filing due October 5th.Laws apparently don’t apply to the “reformed” democrats under Jeff Spain and his Treasurer, Tax Collector Kyran Devery. The Rensselaer County BOE has sent Mr. Devery a letter with his second notice of being tardy. Hey what's the fine for being late on taxes?


Anonymous said...

all this "news" should be in the newspapers. as well meaning as it is the "pipeline" is preaching to the choir......

Anonymous said...

Readers should contact their newspaper of choice and ask them to cover the situation in North Greenbush.

Anonymous said...

the inspector-who is not qualified to be an inspector- is there? PATTY is that his name?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it's Mr. Patti. He's busy not inspecting Water District 14.

Whoever it is, it's a great big mountain of a man who sits in a white Fire Marshall truck all day. The construction workers joke that he leaves a trail of Dunkin Donuts and McDonald's wrappers where ever he goes. The word is he doesn't get out of the truck too often. Thank heaven for drive thru's.

I'd love to know what WE are paying these guys to eat!

Anonymous said...

why do we have a FIRE MARSHALL at a construction site everyday? We need qualified building inspectors to be on site during all stages of construction. We have 3 don't we? There can't be that many porches being built? Maby if we get the chubby one a hut rather than a vehicle maby he can set up a concession?