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Monday, July 9, 2007

Finding the Republican Soul

On Primary Day this September, registered Republicans in North Greenbush will decide whether Senator Joe Bruno and his party leaders at the county level know what’s best for North Greenbush or whether it's folks who live in North Greenbush who run the local party and committee. The answer may define this town’s future government and the kind of growth and development that will take place.

Briefly, a political battle erupted when the County GOP Chair, Jack Casey was given orders by the Senator to endorse the embattled Conservative Supervisor and his running mate, Party Vice Chairman Lou Desso. Mr. Desso ran in 2005 as part of a blank check development slate with Robert Ashe and Co. Today, he helps run the Conservative Party with Casale Excavating, holders of a 6.4 million dollar contract that if interpreted his way, opens the door for an extra million or so in cost over runs. (We know how Evers would interpret the contract especially after he got that $18,000 check issued behind the back of the town board.)

Town Republicans saw an opportunity to learn from the 2005 debacle and embraced a slate of candidates who perceived the development issues largely the way Democrats in 2005 saw it. Community input and support for the kind of development in town was essential to its success. Hence they embraced a key part of the Democratic Platform of 2005,the Comprehensive Plan, which Evers has turned his back on. Town Republicans have endorsed Jeff Cleary for Supervisor, Wes Marshall and Stephanie Piel for Council.

Republican Primary voters must sort out why Senator Bruno would embrace the Democratic nominees of 2005 who are still supported by Democratic Chair Jeff Spain, Town Clerk Connolly and of Course James Germano, the behind the scenes director of the so called “reform” Democrats? We believe the answer rests in money to be gained by development which is unimpeded by a Comprehensive Plan or community input. Development means big dollars from campaign contributions and the perception that you as a politician can make things happen often is the key to a developers check book.

After they figure the “why” of the Bruno support which may cause this primary between home grown GOP candidates and the likely slate to be nominated by the current Democratic Chair, they will cast a vote. In the balance is what kind of party the Republicans in North Greenbush represent. Big money interests seeking to profit from blank check development or the families and homeowners who call North Greenbush home.

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